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Rails tips




    Rails Tips: Rails docs with Jamis template

    附上Jamis的rdoc模板文件,tar解压即可。 博文链接:https://lgn21st.iteye.com/blog/199681

    Rails Recipes英文版(清晰文字pdf+源码)

    From the latest Ajax effects to time-saving automation tips for your development process, "Rails Recipes" will show you how the experts have already solved the problems you have. Use generators to ...

    Ajax on Rails

    For those new to Rails, this book provides a quick introduction, the big picture, a walk through the installation process, and some tips on getting started. If you've already started working with ...


    Rails Tips 功能:学习 rails 的小花招 用法:唤醒 alfred 输入 railstips 回车 数据地址: 欢迎贡献内容 下面两个 workflow 可以单独安装 ruby-chian.org 的新贴列表 segmentfault.com 的新问题列表

    tips-on-rails:Rails 开发人员的专业网络

    Rails 技巧入门Tips on Rails 使用环境变量在瘦 web 服务器上运行。 您需要完成以下步骤才能使其运行。 创建.env文件,包含以下信息: PORT=5300 (this specific port is needed to work with GitHub oauth)RACK_ENV...

    Rails Recipes英文版(随书源码)

    From the latest Ajax effects to time-saving automation tips for your development process, "Rails Recipes" will show you how the experts have already solved the problems you have. Use generators to ...

    Learn Rails 5.2--2018

    What You Will Learn Use the Ruby on Rails web development framework Install and manage the Rails framework Persist data for your web application with Active ... Discover many Rails secrets and tips

    rails 3 upgrade handbook(simple樣例)

    Almost 120 pages of upgrade information ...Practical tips on using Rails 3's new features to improve your code Real case studies of upgrading apps and plugins Detailed checklists for upgrading


    要查看功能积压和正在进行的工作,请查看安装将此行添加到应用程序的Gemfile中: gem 'tips'然后执行: $ bundle或将其自己安装为: $ gem install tips例子用法提示使用HTML数据属性来传递其大部分配置。...


    在端口 3000 上杀死 Rails 服务器: sudo kill -9 $(lsof -i :3000 -t) 显示开发日志: tail -f log/development.log heroku logs --tail --app name 向文件添加字符串: echo 'text to add' >> file.type 随机...


    Rails版本:4.0.3 为PostgreSQL添加config / database.yml文件 将它们添加到您的〜.bash_profile文件中: export GITHUB_KEY = "Use your own" export GITHUB_SECRET = "Use your own" export

    Style:Colorgy 的样式指南、样式表以及前端工具包

    Colorgy Style Colorgy 的样式... Usage Sass and Sprockets适用于任何使用Compass/Sass/SCSS以及Sprockets的专案,例如Ruby on Rails或Middleman。将以下这行加入Gemfile 里: gem 'colorgy_style'然后执行: $ bundl

    EditPlus 3.31 Build 860 简体中文版

    * 默认支持 Python/Ruby on Rails 语法加亮 * 改进语法加亮速度 (长行) *“未修改文档禁用保存按钮”选项 (“参数设置”-“文件”) * 在分隔命令中显示制表符和空格 * 在文件中查找允许以“;”号间隔的多文件夹名称 ...

    EditPlus 3.31 Build 1129

    * 默认支持 Python/Ruby on Rails 语法加亮 * 改进语法加亮速度 (长行) *“未修改文档禁用保存按钮”选项 (“参数设置”-“文件”) * 在分隔命令中显示制表符和空格 * 在文件中查找允许以“;”号间隔的多文件夹名称 ...

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